Progesterone for Men
Progesterone is not just a woman’s hormoneWe’ve been helping men since 1998
In 1998 we began our business by helping couples overcome infertility; naturally – men and women. Fast forward to our own natural products we’re helping with all sorts of hormonal imbalance, including male fertility, prostate issues, andropause and more.
what no man
wants to talk about
We get you. What man wants to talk about gynecomastia (man boobs), infertility, ED and urination 4x a night? On the other hand, it’s hard to be a confident, alpha male if you don’t address the issues? Progesterone for men highlights the products you are looking for; not just a bottle of hope. Education is the best physician. Great products the necessary assistant.
Estimated % of men with ED by age 40
Men with enlarged prostate by age 50
Believed infertility attributed to men
Teens with lasting gynecomastia by 18
What is Andropause
SImply put, andropause is the male version of menopause. Rather than signaling the end of menstruation it is associated with a waning of fertility and virility in men; usually in their mid forties and beyond.
There are so many products out there for women in menopause. As a woman writing this, I know we talk more freely about our health concerns with other women and our doctors. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. In this case that oil is in the form of andropause products.
Now that hormonal imbalance for men has become more understood, more products are being formulated to address male only issues. And so the term Andropause was coined. Andropause Cream, ProgestOil, Arginine Gel, Viril Tabs, Fertile Man, GynoRx and Testo Natural are all products designed to address the issues associated with early Andropause years and beyond.
Our Product
Our articles are to educate you about your individual health needs. The products mentioned on Progesterone For Men are from Whole Family Products and are formulated to speak to a number of male health issues without the need for prescription. Visit the Whole Family Products catalog for the full list of natural products for your whole family.
Andropause Cream
Andropause is the male equivalent of menopause. Symptoms include frequent urination, loss of libido, infertility. Andropause Cream is a progesterone PLUS herbs for men. Read more
Progest Oil
Men may also need a little progesterone? Just 5-10mg per day may be just enough. Read more about progesterone for men.
Enlarged breast tissue, man boobs, gynecomastia; different names – same shame. Chemical toxins and poor lifestyle / food choices all play a part. Read more.
Arginine Gel
Better sex, (for women too) workouts, circulation and hair; all are tied to more l-arginine. Arginine Gel lets you get all the benefits but topically, not orally.
Viril Tabs
Viril Tabs are formulated with herbs and other ingredients, including 500mg l-arginine to make you feel like your younger self again. Women watch out. Your howl might be back, in the sack.
Fertile Man
For men, infertility often stems from two sperm related issues: low sperm count and morphology (not fully formed). The ingredients in Fertile Man have been designed to assist in raising sperm count and making better sperm. Read more.
Testo Natural for Men
Testo Natural is an incredible formula for rebalancing testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. DHEA, libido blend, chrysin, herbs and homeopathics all working closely to raise and balance the hormone testosterone. Very popular with sports and gym enthusiasts. Read more.
Want to know more?
Success Stories
Prostate Health Articles
Gynecomastia Articles
GynoRX Products Articles
Testo Natural for Men
Progesterone for Men
Andropause Cream Articles
Fertile Man Product Articles
Ingredients in Men's Products
Viril Tabs Product Articles
Progest Oil Product Articles
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