Andropause Cream is a natural hormone progesterone cream made exclusively for men, especially for prostate health. Andropause Cream introduces small doses of progesterone alongside herbs that have traditionally helped with male-only issues. Men of all ages who have a hormonal imbalance and are having problems caused by low progesterone levels, high estrogen levels, and prostate problems may benefit from a natural hormone cream like Andropause Cream. Andropause Cream works to help increase progesterone in men, balance out male hormones, promote better health, and may improve sexual function.
Men who have an excess amount of estrogen and not enough progesterone can end up suffering from a variety of symptoms and problems.
Symptoms of Low Progesterone Levels in Men
- Anxiety, irritability, and moodiness
- Breast enlargement
- Low libido (pronounced)
- Bone Loss and Prostate Enlargement
- Decreased urine flow
- Puffiness and bloating
- Fewer firm erections and intense orgasms
- Nervousness
- Hair loss and sleep disturbances
- Headaches
- Thyroid and Adrenal Imbalances
- Impotency weight gain
- Increased Urgency to Urinate
Using a natural hormonal progesterone cream can help to alleviate all of the above symptoms and more, but please don’t assume that all of these issues MUST be related to symptoms of low progesterone levels in men.
Progesterone is the primary predecessor of testosterone and the adrenal cortical hormones. When we don’t naturally produce enough progesterone and our progesterone levels decrease, our uninhibited estrogen levels will rise, which leads to such problems as an enlarged prostate (Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)). It has been said that progesterone may be the only remedy needed that can reverse BPH. Over time, estrogen will dominate hormone receptors and replace testosterone where it should reside.
High doses of progesterone are not necessary. Generally speaking, 5 mg twice a day is enough to make a difference when symptoms begin to show themselves. Cycle Balance Oil is designed to provide 5 mg per pump and has only 4 simple ingredients.
The natural hormone progesterone cream, Andropause Cream, is a distinctive blend of natural herbs known to benefit men and provide male hormonal balancing. Used by men of different ages, Andropause Progesterone Cream may very well help you achieve the male hormonal balancing your body needs to achieve optimal health.
Get your first purchase of Andropause Cream Progesterone for Men at your trusted natural health supplements store online!